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Join special guest, Joe Hilleary of Eckerson Group, for a look at the evolution of data catalogs and their role...
Watch nowData democratization is tough for even the most established enterprises. Now imagine how difficult it is for an organization working...
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Every morning we are challenged to think about data when we open our news feeds: From a panel investigating disinformation,...
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Join Tim, Juan and Roel Pot, Global Data Manager at Vopak where they discuss how to go from thought leadership...
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If you really want to win, you need to take some risks and be the first with something new. But...
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Join Tim, Juan and special guest Andy Palmer, Co-Founder and Chairman of Tamr, to talk open vs. closed ecosystems and...
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Data management is a broad discipline with so many people, tools, and methodologies. Sorting it all out is tough, and...
Listen nowJoin experts from, AWS, and Slalom as we discuss the intersection between data management, infrastructure and strategy to enable...
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How can active metadata transform the way organizations manage and utilize data? In this episode, Mike Evans, Chief Innovation Officer...
Listen nowThriving data cultures prioritize inclusion, collaboration, and transparency over command and control. They work iteratively vs. trying to "boil the...
Watch nowSee how data discovery leveraging a chat-like experience makes it possible for more people to become data driven.
Watch now37 min
We test our food. We test our cars. We test our code. But do we test our data? Data testing...
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